harta tak berwujud bahasa Inggris
- harta: riches; treasure; lettuce; kale; moolah; place;
- tak: like a hole in one’s head; no; non; na; like a
- berwujud: embody; concrete
- harta berwujud: tangible assets
- aktiva tak berwujud: intangible assets
- benda tak berwujud: uncorporeal
- hak atas benda2 tak berwujud: right of incorporeal goods
- harta tak bergerak: realty; land; property; real property; real state; real estate; estate in land
- harta tak bertuan: treasure with ownerless
- harta tak gerak: immovable property
- harta: riches; treasure; lettuce; kale; moolah; place; pelf; boodle; immovable; real property; loot; holding; property; wealthiness; possessions; estate; wealth; bread; sugar; possession; dough; cabbage; s
- aset berwujud: real assets
- keadaan tidak berwujud: a viciuos circle
- harta (majalah): harta (magazine)
- harta akanan: accrued assets